Together We Can

Giving back through life-changing experiences

Our Team

Founder/CEO Joseph Varaksa is currently serving as the full-time Chaplain at the Albemarle County Regional Jail.  In response to the challenges he's encountered in the incarcerated community, Joseph started HOPE IS EVERYTHING. 

Chief Financial Officer, Laura Woodworth is an experienced accountant with a passion for nonprofits - the contact person for questions about contributions or other financial matters.

Our amazing team consists of  part-time volunteers who are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!

Our History

As a jail chaplain seeing first hand the despair and hopelessness that can affect individuals and families, any glimmer of hope can make all the difference. It all starts with the little things. That's how the concept of HOPE IS EVERYTHING began. I formed our organization with the idea of providing inmates with backpacks upon release and duffels to Social Services to provide to children put into protective custody.

Our Mission

To provide hope to those who find themselves affected by the judicial and social service systems.  By using the best means available in our communities and providing a vision of hope, we want to help individuals in the midst of despair and uncertainty know that they are not alone.

Our Programs

Hope Makes a Difference

"There were so many happy tears shed for families that had no way to provide for Christmas.  We can never thank your organization enough."
(Employee - DSS)

"For the last two years Hope is Everything has showered the children of Nelson County with what every child dreams of;  A wonderful Christmas, filled with surprises."
(Angela Rose - DSS)


Duffels, Backpacks, and Luggage

We provide duffels and luggage to the local Social Services organization so they can disperse these resources to children placed in protective custody. For recently released inmates, we provide backpacks filled with personal hygiene items and weather-appropriate clothing as needed. We take donations from local businesses and individuals to help us purchase these items.  Help us connect with donors and with people in need.

We also provide Duffels to The Bridge Ministry, a Program and Training Facility helping men overcome addictive lifestyles by teaching them marketable skills to enable them to become productive and responsible citizens.


Looking for Volunteers who share the vision of hope. Marketing skills, fund-raising skills, web design skills are greatly needed. Join us and see what can be accomplished when you get an impassioned team to focus on change.

Community Connections

Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to connect the people providing services with the people who need them. Do you see a need or are you a potential resource for our organization? Come connect with people in new ways.


Update – Summer 2024

By Joseph Varaksa | August 12, 2024

I hope this finds everyone doing well. The year seems to be going by at a rapid pace, but in a very exciting way… LOCALLY We are ramping up now to supply our connected Social Services departments with backpacks filled with school supplies for those foster kids who find themselves in great need. In addition,…


Christmas 2023 Update

By Joseph Varaksa | February 17, 2024

For four years now, Hope Is Everything has been assisting local Departments of Social Services (DSS) distribute Christmas gifts to kids put into protective custody (Foster Care.) When we started out, we focused on providing gifts to 50-75 kids in Albemarle and Nelson Counties and the City of Charlottesville.  We have recently added Greene County and…


Upcoming Events

Past Events

Summer Cookout 2024
Covenant School Packing Party
Christmas 2023 Deliveries

Get Involved

There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out  more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get  our message to your friends and family.